Friday, October 29, 2004

Pets & Hobbies?

Posted by Craig Westover | 5:54 PM |  

It's said that some of the greatest ideas of mankind have been lost somewhere between the third and fourth beer for want of a dry bar napkin. On that fateful day in 1982, a single napkin remained dry, and so Why Cucumbers are Better than Men entered the pantheon of classic literary works. And recently it secured its place in literary history.

Michigan State University Libraries -- Special Collections Division Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection

Westover, Craig.
Cucumbers are Better than Men Because ... / by the Cucumber Group ; M.L. Brooks, Donna E. Hanbery, Ivor Matz, Tam and Craig Westover. -- Watertown, Mass. : Ivory Tower, 1983. -- 47 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Cartoons about men. -- Call no.: NC1763.S5C8 1983

Looking for a copy? Try this somewhat mystifying link at -- Home PageBooksHome & GardenPets & HobbiesHumorGeneral .

Okay, Home & Garden is somewhat understandable. But Pets & Hobbies? Go figure.