Friday, December 03, 2004

It’s not about Big Tobacco

Posted by Craig Westover | 8:10 AM |  

For non-smoking conservative/libertarians, the approaching dates for the implementation of smoking bans in restaurants and bars around the Twin Cities, unfortunately, has all the visibility of an Earth Day tree hugging rally. That is unfortunate.

Yes, there are so many causes out there, so many examples of government over-stepping its legitimate authority that one must pick and choose one’s battles. What is the plight of a few bar owners compared to . . . say the fate of an entire generation of public school kids? Tough question.

Nonetheless, the plight of a few bar owners and a hour of the latest FOX reality series or another blog on the departure of Dan Rather from CBS is a no-brainer. Certainly there is a question of degree, but if you allow me just a little hyperbole, there are restaurant and bar owners in the Twin Cities that are fighting for your freedom with the level of intensity of the troops in Iraq.

They are fighting for your right to choose -- choose the place you go to dine and be entertained, the place you choose to work. They are fighting so you can continue to be masters of your own lives, not extensions of government and the Star Tribune editorial page. It is not hyperbole to say they are fighting for your freedom.

This “File Cabinet” link provides you with past columns and posts on the smoking ban issue. If you’re not familiar with the real "personal liberty" issue, I urge you to browse these columns and posts. If so inclined, your state legislators need to hear from you -- so do local city and county governments. They need to know that the smoking ban issue affects more than just smokers and bar owners. They need to be told it’s not about Big Tobacco.

So after you’ve clicked a credit card contribution to the Spirit of America to help the people of Iraq, take a moment more and dash off an e-mail to a legislator in support of more local freedom fighters. Make known your feelings about the “nanny state” mentality of smoking bans. “Eternal vigilance” is not the only price of freedom. Sometimes you have to send an e-mail.

Thanks for the support.
