It was good for me . . . .
Posted by Craig Westover | 11:15 AM |Just a quick note to say thanks to all the folks who showed up last night for the Blogger Bash at Keegan's. For a newbie like me, it was great to put faces to names -- or network identities as the case may be.
It's not every night a guy gets to discuss the police powers of the state, XML links, public education, newspaper/Internet marketing, what's the matter with Kansas, the rationale for allowing a runner to "steal" first base on a third strike, why Republicans are afraid to talk to black people, whether or not the Strib really does want a conservative columnist, can the finite mind of man can ever comprehend the infinite nature of God AND get a hug and a kiss from a state senator, have someone wearing shoes ask if you want to meet his sister, and share drinks with charming, intelligent attractive young ladies in pajamas.
Hope it was good for you all, too!
David Strom took this photo to steal my soul !
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