Friday, January 21, 2005

Tyranny begins at home

Posted by Craig Westover | 7:18 AM |  

The Washington Post leads its story on the President's inaugural speech saying --

George Walker Bush took the oath of office for a second term yesterday and laid out one of the most expansive manifestos ever offered from an inaugural podium as he dedicated his presidency to spreading democracy and freedom "with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."
A noble goal to be sure, but if history teaches any lesson it is that great nations invariable fall from within before they are conquered from without. If the "War on Terror" is going to transform into a "War on Tyranny," perhaps the first enemy to confront is the enemy within.

The January 20 Daily Dispatch from the Cato Institute raises points not to be lost as American's look outward in the name of "Liberty."

In "Congress Should Restrain the President," Cato Institute executive vice president David Boaz writes: "Recent presidents have blithely exceeded the powers granted to them under the Constitution. They should be held accountable for those abuses of power -- by Congress. Thanks to its negligence, Congress bears a significant part of the blame for presidential excesses."

Boaz recommends that Congress "limit the President's war powers" and "consider the Constitution when passing laws."

"Congress has an important constitutional role," he writes. "Too often we assume that only the Supreme Court has the duty to uphold the Constitution. In fact, every person elected or appointed to office takes an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States." The first duty of every official is to act within the authority of the Constitution and to ensure that other officials do so as well."