Do Hindrocket and Big Trunk do pro bono blogging?
Posted by Craig Westover | 8:58 AM |Chad "the elder" from Fraters Libertas dropped me the following good morning email. And because a mention of Nick Coleman does for my site what a naked butt shot of Dennis Franz on "NYPD Blue" does for ABC's ratings, I figured I'd post it.
On his radio show today (which I enjoy listening to for some sick reason), Nick Coleman was going off on Mr. Westover once again. He called him a "hobby columnist", mocked him for getting only $75 a column, and offered to pay him $76 a week to stop writing for the PiPress.Actually, I think paying to silence opposing points of view is more to the point, but Nick's paltry offer is hardly tempting. Journalistic whores must come cheaper in Nick's neighborhood.
Getting paid for doing nothing? Sounds just like the kind of offer that a liberal would make.
Pretty tempting, isn't it Craig?
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