Thursday, April 14, 2005

They shoot cats, don't they . . . .

Posted by Craig Westover | 8:11 AM |  

Over at Fraters, Chad "the elder" weighs in on Wisconsin's proposal that would allow licensed hunters to kill free-roaming cats, including any domestic cat that isn't under the owner's direct control or any cat without a collar.
I imagine if this plan were ever to become law, there'd be a lot of discarded collars found throughout Wisconsin. "I swear it wasn't wearing a collar when I shot it officer."

As anyone who has ever "owned" a cat can attest to, there is no such thing as "under the owner's direct control" when it comes to felines. They're not real big on the whole command and control concept.
Like the rest of us, cats must realize that these are dangerous times, which is why the Borowitz Report notes the United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has commented on the matter.
[According to Gonzales] a Wisconsin proposal to hunt feral cats may be unconstitutional, but [he] said that under certain circumstances it may be permissible to detain the cats and torture them.