Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"The Blogger"

Posted by Craig Westover | 4:23 PM |  

A tip of the Sou’wester to Shot in the Dark via Bogus Gold for the tip that the Kommissar over at Politburo Diktat is putting together a blog family tree. As if going into the baseball Hall of Fame, I had to decide whose hat I was going to wear to declare my “blog father” -- Captain’s Quarters or Fraters Libertas. It was after my first appearance on the Northern Alliance Radio Network that Ed, Brian and Chad encouraged me to start a blog. With no slight to Captain Ed, my nod went to Fraters only because it was Brian “Saint Paul” Ward that extended the appearance invitation.

A family tree question that was asked was the date one’s blog was initiated, which got me to thinking that next month marks my first anniversary as a blogger. So I asked the official poet laureate of (moi) to compose a fitting tribute for the occasion. With apologies to Nihilist in Golf Pants and other blogger lyricists -- and to Simon and Garfunkle (“The Boxer”) -- here’s my humble effort.

I am just a blogger and my story’s seldom told
I write in momma’s cellar with a pocketful of loose change, there’s no dollar bills
I am a “hack,” still a man writes what he wants to write
And then deletes the rest (hmmmm....mmmm......)

When I logged my first post, I was happy as a boy
In the company of pirates
In the forefront of technology, I had ’em scared
Writing lots, seeking out the traffic grabbers, where the Googol searches go
Inserting all the key words only it would know

(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(La la la la li...)

Seeking only writer’s wages, I went lookin’ for a job, but I got no offers
Just a come on from the bloggers down at Keegan’s Pub
I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there (li la la, la, la la)

Now a blog year rolled on by me, it has astounded even me
Blogging’s more fun that it once was and less fun than to be, that’s not unusual
No it’s not strange, after posting upon posting, we find our thoughts less tame
After posting we are one but not the same

(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(La la la la li...)

And I’m toiling on my mainstream work, wishing I were done, wanna post
Where the mainstream caution isn’t bleedin’ me, leadin’ me, to write tame

Artwork by Derek BrighamOn blogspot stands a blogger, and a writer by his trade
And he carries the reminder of unfair cuts that marked him, gave t’him a name
That he cries out without anger and no shame
I am “Captain,” I am “Fishsticks,” but the writer still remains
Yes he still remains . . . .
Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(La la la la li...)
(Li la la la li la li)
(Li la li... li la la la li la li)
(La la la la li...)
(Li la la la li la li)
(Li la li... li la la la li la li)