Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Smoking bans: Squashing the resistance

Posted by Craig Westover | 11:21 AM |  

Well, "The Moffitt" finally demonstrates some numerical knowledge of statistics recognizing that 50 exemptions to Hennepin County’s smoking ban out of 500 establishments leaves “90 percent of bars, clubs and restaurants in Hennepin County smoke free.” Unfortunately, he can’t make the leap of putting that figure into perspective -- or more likely, he doesn’t care to.

If I’m a non-smoking bar, club or restaurant patron in Hennepin County, 9 out of 10 establishments cater to my preference. If I’m a non-smoking employee in the hospitality industry, 9 out 10 places I might choose to work are smoke free. It’s not exactly like non-smoking patrons and potential employees are limited in their options.

But laments the Moffitt, even 10 percent choice is “too bad, because until recently it [prohibition] was 100 percent.”

The Moffitt’s view supports the (ignored by his ilk) observation that a free society can tolerate pockets of collectivism, but a collective society cannot tolerate even a hint of individual freedom. That's why the smoking ban issue is about a lot more than just public health.

Category: Smoking Ban, Individual Liberty